Malaysia Business Directory

Trace & Reverse Lookup Malaysia Mobile Numbers

Malaysia Number Tracking and Reverse Lookup Tool. Search for any number in the box above or browse location wise directory for Malaysia.

05672- Alor Setar Telephone Directory, 05675- Alor Setar Telephone Directory, 05676- Alor Setar Telephone Directory, 05700- Telephone Directory, 05710- Telephone Directory, See More

Click on the Malaysians Pincode/Zip Code to view their respective Telephone Directory.

Malaysia Directory from Alor Setar to Pendang
05672 - Alor Setar
05675 - Alor Setar
05676 - Alor Setar
05700 - 05700
05710 - 05710
05720 - 05720
05750 - 05750
05900 - 05900
05990 - 05990
06000 - Jitra
06005 - 06005
06007 - 06007
06009 - 06009
06010 - Changloon
06020 - 06020
06050 - Bukit Kayu Hitam
06100 - Kodiang
06150 - Ayer Hitam
06159 - 06159
06200 - Kepala Batas
06250 - Alor Setar
06299 - 06299
06300 - Kuala Nerang
06350 - Pokok Sena
06359 - 06359
06400 - Pokok Sena
06450 - 06450
06500 - Langgar
06510 - 06510
06550 - Alor Setar
06570 - Alor Setar
06600 - Kuala Kedah
06650 - Simpang Empat
06660 - Alor Setar
06680 - 06680
06700 - Pendang



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